Source code for sarepy.prep.stripe_removal_original

# Copyright (c) 2018 Nghia T. Vo. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail:
# Description: Original implementation of stripe artifact removal methods,
# Nghia T. Vo, Robert C. Atwood, and Michael Drakopoulos, "Superior
# techniques for eliminating ring artifacts in X-ray micro-tomography," Optics
# Express 26, 28396-28412 (2018).
# Publication date: 18th October 2018

Module for stripe removal methods proposed in:

import numpy as np
from import gaussian
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter1d
from scipy import interpolate
# import scipy.fftpack as fft
import pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fftpack as fft

[docs]def remove_stripe_based_sorting(sinogram, size, dim=1): """ Remove stripe artifacts in a sinogram using the sorting technique, algorithm 3 in Ref. [1]. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. Sinogram image. size : int Window size of the median filter. dim : {1, 2}, optional Dimension of the window. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ sinogram = np.transpose(sinogram) (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape list_index = np.arange(0.0, ncol, 1.0) mat_index = np.tile(list_index, (nrow, 1)) mat_comb = np.asarray(np.dstack((mat_index, sinogram))) mat_sort = np.asarray( [row[row[:, 1].argsort()] for row in mat_comb]) if dim == 2: mat_sort[:, :, 1] = median_filter(mat_sort[:, :, 1], (size, size)) else: mat_sort[:, :, 1] = median_filter(mat_sort[:, :, 1], (size, 1)) mat_sort_back = np.asarray( [row[row[:, 0].argsort()] for row in mat_sort]) return np.transpose(mat_sort_back[:, :, 1])
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_filtering(sinogram, sigma, size, dim=1): """ Remove stripe artifacts in a sinogram using the filtering technique, algorithm 2 in Ref. [1]. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. Sinogram image sigma : int Sigma of the Gaussian window used to separate the low-pass and high-pass components of the intensity profile of each column. size : int Window size of the median filter. dim : {1, 2}, optional Dimension of the window. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ pad = min(150, int(0.1 * sinogram.shape[0])) sinogram = np.transpose(sinogram) sino_pad = np.pad(sinogram, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='reflect') (_, ncol) = sino_pad.shape window = gaussian(ncol, std=sigma) list_sign = np.power(-1.0, np.arange(ncol)) sino_smooth = np.copy(sinogram) for i, sino_1d in enumerate(sino_pad): sino_smooth[i] = np.real( fft.ifft(fft.fft(sino_1d * list_sign) * window) * list_sign)[pad:ncol - pad] sino_sharp = sinogram - sino_smooth if dim == 2: sino_smooth_cor = median_filter(sino_smooth, (size, size)) else: sino_smooth_cor = median_filter(sino_smooth, (size, 1)) return np.transpose(sino_smooth_cor + sino_sharp)
def make_2d_gaussian_window(height, width, sigmax, sigmay): """ Create a 2D Gaussian window. Parameters ---------- height : int Height of the image. width : int Width of the image. sigmax : int Sigma in the x-direction. sigmay : int Sigma in the y-direction. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. """ xcenter = (width - 1.0) / 2.0 ycenter = (height - 1.0) / 2.0 y, x = np.ogrid[-ycenter:height - ycenter, -xcenter:width - xcenter] window = np.exp(-(x ** 2 / (2 * sigmax ** 2) + y ** 2 / (2 * sigmay ** 2))) return window def apply_gaussian_filter(mat, sigmax, sigmay, pad): """ Filtering an image using a 2D Gaussian window. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. sigmax : int Sigma in the x-direction. sigmay : int Sigma in the y-direction. pad : int Padding for the Fourier transform. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Filtered image. """ mat_pad = np.pad(mat, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='edge') mat_pad = np.pad(mat_pad, ((pad, pad), (0, 0)), mode='mean') (nrow, ncol) = mat_pad.shape window = make_2d_gaussian_window(nrow, ncol, sigmax, sigmay) listx = np.arange(0, ncol) listy = np.arange(0, nrow) x, y = np.meshgrid(listx, listy) mat_sign = np.power(-1.0, x + y) mat_filt = np.real( fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(mat_pad * mat_sign) * window) * mat_sign) return mat_filt[pad:nrow - pad, pad:ncol - pad]
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_fitting(sinogram, order, sigmax, sigmay): """ Remove stripes using the fitting technique, algorithm 1 in Ref. [1]. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. Sinogram image order : int Polynomial fit order. sigmax : int Sigma of the Gaussian window in the x-direction. sigmay : int Sigma of the Gaussian window in the y-direction. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ (nrow, _) = sinogram.shape pad = min(150, int(0.1 * sinogram.shape[0])) nrow1 = nrow if nrow1 % 2 == 0: nrow1 = nrow1 - 1 sino_fit = savgol_filter(sinogram, nrow1, order, axis=0, mode='mirror') sino_fit_smooth = apply_gaussian_filter(sino_fit, sigmax, sigmay, pad) num1 = np.mean(sino_fit) num2 = np.mean(sino_fit_smooth) sino_fit_smooth = num1 * sino_fit_smooth / num2 return (sinogram / sino_fit) * sino_fit_smooth
[docs]def detect_stripe(list_data, snr): """ Locate stripe positions using Algorithm 4 in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- list_data : array_like 1D array. Normalized data. snr : float Ratio used to segment stripes from background noise. Returns ------- ndarray 1D binary mask. References ---------- .. [1] """ npoint = len(list_data) list_sort = np.sort(list_data) listx = np.arange(0, npoint, 1.0) ndrop = np.int16(0.25 * npoint) (slope, intercept) = np.polyfit(listx[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], list_sort[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], 1) y_end = intercept + slope * listx[-1] noise_level = np.abs(y_end - intercept) noise_level = np.clip(noise_level, 1e-6, None) val1 = np.abs(list_sort[-1] - y_end) / noise_level val2 = np.abs(intercept - list_sort[0]) / noise_level list_mask = np.zeros(npoint, dtype=np.float32) if val1 >= snr: upper_thresh = y_end + noise_level * snr * 0.5 list_mask[list_data > upper_thresh] = 1.0 if val2 >= snr: lower_thresh = intercept - noise_level * snr * 0.5 list_mask[list_data <= lower_thresh] = 1.0 return list_mask
[docs]def remove_large_stripe(sinogram, snr, size, drop_ratio=0.1, norm=True): """ Remove large stripes, algorithm 5 in Ref. [1], by: locating stripes, normalizing to remove full stripes, and using the sorting technique (Ref. [1]) to remove partial stripes. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. Sinogram image snr : float Ratio used to segment stripes from background noise. size : int Window size of the median filter. drop_ratio : float, optional Ratio of pixels to be dropped, which is used to reduce the false detection of stripes. norm : bool, optional Apply normalization if True. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ sinogram = np.copy(sinogram) # Make it mutable drop_ratio = np.clip(drop_ratio, 0.0, 0.8) (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape ndrop = int(0.5 * drop_ratio * nrow) sino_sort = np.sort(sinogram, axis=0) sino_smooth = median_filter(sino_sort, (1, size)) list1 = np.mean(sino_sort[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0) list2 = np.mean(sino_smooth[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0) list_fact = np.divide(list1, list2, out=np.ones_like(list1), where=list2 != 0) list_mask = detect_stripe(list_fact, snr) list_mask = np.float32(binary_dilation(list_mask, iterations=1)) mat_fact = np.tile(list_fact, (nrow, 1)) if norm is True: sinogram = sinogram / mat_fact # Normalization sino_tran = np.transpose(sinogram) list_index = np.arange(0.0, nrow, 1.0) mat_index = np.tile(list_index, (ncol, 1)) mat_comb = np.asarray(np.dstack((mat_index, sino_tran))) mat_sort = np.asarray( [row[row[:, 1].argsort()] for row in mat_comb]) mat_sort[:, :, 1] = np.transpose(sino_smooth) mat_sort_back = np.asarray( [row[row[:, 0].argsort()] for row in mat_sort]) sino_cor = np.transpose(mat_sort_back[:, :, 1]) listx_miss = np.where(list_mask > 0.0)[0] sinogram[:, listx_miss] = sino_cor[:, listx_miss] return sinogram
[docs]def remove_unresponsive_and_fluctuating_stripe(sinogram, snr, size, residual=False): """ Remove unresponsive or fluctuating stripes, algorithm 6 in Ref. [1], by: locating stripes, correcting using interpolation. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. Sinogram image. snr : float Ratio used to segment stripes from background noise. size : int Window size of the median filter. residual : bool, optional Removing residual stripes if True. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ sinogram = np.copy(sinogram) # Make it mutable (nrow, _) = sinogram.shape sino_smooth = np.apply_along_axis(uniform_filter1d, 0, sinogram, 10) list_diff = np.sum(np.abs(sinogram - sino_smooth), axis=0) list_diff_bck = median_filter(list_diff, size) list_fact = np.divide(list_diff, list_diff_bck, out=np.ones_like(list_diff), where=list_diff_bck != 0) list_mask = detect_stripe(list_fact, snr) list_mask = np.float32(binary_dilation(list_mask, iterations=1)) list_mask[0:2] = 0.0 list_mask[-2:] = 0.0 listx = np.where(list_mask < 1.0)[0] listy = np.arange(nrow) mat = sinogram[:, listx] finter = interpolate.interp2d(listx, listy, mat, kind='linear') listx_miss = np.where(list_mask > 0.0)[0] if len(listx_miss) > 0: sinogram[:, listx_miss] = finter(listx_miss, listy) if residual is True: sinogram = remove_large_stripe(sinogram, snr, size) return sinogram
[docs]def remove_all_stripe(sinogram, snr, la_size, sm_size, drop_ratio=0.1, norm=True, dim=1): """ Remove all types of stripe artifacts by combining algorithm 6, 5, 4, and 3 in Ref. [1]. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. Sinogram image. snr : float Ratio used to segment stripes from background noise. la_size : int Window size of the median filter to remove large stripes. sm_size : int Window size of the median filter to remove small-to-medium stripes. drop_ratio : float, optional Ratio of pixels to be dropped, which is used to to reduce the possibility of the false detection of stripes. norm : bool, optional Apply normalization if True. dim : {1, 2}, optional Dimension of the window. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ sinogram = remove_unresponsive_and_fluctuating_stripe( sinogram, snr, la_size) sinogram = remove_large_stripe(sinogram, snr, la_size, drop_ratio, norm) sinogram = remove_stripe_based_sorting(sinogram, sm_size, dim) return sinogram